A Big Announcement
A Letter from Rebecca and Jordan
It is difficult to fully describe our experience in Haiti over the past two years. We have spent our time learning the language, adapting to the culture, and attaining as much knowledge as possible about malnutrition. We have worked with families working to rally around children and babies as they fight the battle of malnutrition. We’ve gained a wealth of knowledge, employed hardworking people, and found a passion deep inside ourselves that we know is from the Lord. We’ve implemented programs to be able to respond to malnutrition and its various forms through inpatient care, breastfeeding counseling, and our formula program. We’ve witnessed God’s grace in allowing lives to be saved and also trusted in His sovereignty as we placed babies who were now in the arms of Jesus into the hands of their grieving mothers. We are so thankful for the experiences we have had and look forward to using them to fight harder as we take this next step.
Through the Lord’s leading and provision, we are excited to announce our newest adventure: Potter and Clay Ministries! We are opening a new nutrition center that will not only treat malnourished children and save lives but also give hope and dignity back to parents through hygiene and nutrition education, discipleship, and small business training.
We seek to treat malnourished children, educate caregivers, and sustainably strengthen families in a loving, Christ-Centered atmosphere.
We have already secured an incredible building in Marerouge to use as the malnutrition center, and now the next big steps are funding both our start-up costs and monthly needs.
Here are our needs for the next 6 months:
1. Start-up Costs: $15,000
Includes 2 years of rent, furniture, medical supplies, etc.
2. Monthly Expenses: $9,000
Haitian staff salaries, formula, monthly medical costs, etc.
3. Rebecca and Jordan’s Living Expenses: $12,000
Our goal is to raise the needed $36,000 by July 1. God has provided and made a way so far, and we believe that He will do it again in this new endeavor. We are asking our friends and families to join us in the fight against malnutrition in Northwest Haiti as we work to strengthen some of the nation’s most vulnerable families.
Give one time or become a monthly sponsor by clicking here.
Thank you for your love and support in the past two years. Thank you for praying for our ministry and considering a gift to help change lives.